6 Healthy Food Combinations
Avocado and green leafy vegetables: While you might want to eat an avocado by itself to relish its sweet taste, here is the benefits of combining it with leafy greens like spinach and kale. Leafy greens are usually low in calories but high in nutrient value, which may leave you feeling hungry or wanting more. Avocado has good fat which is mono unsaturated that will allow you to feel full for longer and also reduce your hunger cravings. It can also help better absorb the nutrients from leafy greens. Also, leafy greens that are high in iron content can cause constipation, avocado helps offset this side effect with its good fats that allows food and waste to move downward smoothly. (Image source: getty images)
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View In AppCoffee with 1 tsp ghee, which is also called bulletproof coffee may seem like an odd combination but has many health benefits. Coffee mainly contains caffeine, tannin, carbohydrates, and proteins. In Ayruveda, coffee is considered hot and stimulating in nature. Coffee by nature has a drying effect on the digestive tract and colon, which can trigger constipation and digestive issues in the long run. Ghee (clarified butter) has healthy fats and butyric acid that lubricates the GI tract and offsets the dryness from coffee. Ghee is also a rich source of saturated fats, it contains 99.8% good fats. Ghee contains Vitamin A, E and K (Image source: getty images)
Yoghurt with 1 tsp honey: We usually consume yoghurt with sweeteners like sugar or condiments like salt and cumin powder. But honey and yoghurt together is an excellent combination that helps pacify Vata imbalance and reduce symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. Yoghurt has a heavy gross quality, which helps calm us (and our nervous system), like a heavy blanket offering comfort and feeling of security. It is also a healthy probiotic that nourishes the gut bacteria. (Image source: getty images)
image 7Dark chocolate with almonds: Although dark chocolate offers good health benefits, the sugar content can still spike the glucose levels. Dark chocolates contain 50-90% of cocoa solids, butter and sugar and is fairly high in calories and fat. It has less sugar than white chocolate but the presence of sugar will still impact your glucose levels. Pairing with almonds or nuts that are a good source of proteins, can help slow down sugar spike and keep you satiated. (Image source: getty images)
Fruits and nuts : while fruits is best consumed as a separate meal without mixing with other foods groups, fruits and dried fruits or nuts come from the same food group and require similar digestive enzymes to be digested. Nuts is also a good source of protein, which helps slow down the absorption of sucrose and fructose from fruits, and thus prevents sugar spike. You can have an apple or banana with a handful of almonds, walnuts or pistachio to prevent sugar spikes. (Image source: getty images)
Rice and beans : An all-time favourite combination of food consumed in India, this meal offers complete amino acids in a single dish. Beans contain a large amount of essential amino acids like lysine, tyrosine and phenylalanine. Rice which is a staple diet in southern parts of India and an integral ingredient in our daily diet plan contains 20 amino acids, which includes 8 essential amino acids that cannot be created by the human body. Rice contains essential amino acids like Lys, threonine (Thr), methionine (Met), tryptophan (Trp), phenylalanine (Phe), isoleucine (Ile), leucine (Leu), and valine (Val). The National library of medicine states that, of these Lys, Thr and Met are the most restrictive essential amino acids in rice, and the lack of these can reduce absorption of other amino acids and result in serious diseases. (Image source: getty images)
Inputs By: Dr Dimple Jangda, ayurvedic coach and gut specialist (Image source: getty images)