Fulfilling our ambitions gives us a different level of satisfaction, which is why we are said to follow our passion. A woman in Italy did exactly that. She quit her job of an English teacher to become a professional mermaid, reported UKs Metro. Moss Green, 33, is from Torquay, Devon but moved to Sicily in 2016 to teach English. It is here that the idea of becoming a mermaid struck her mind after she saw someone dressed as a "magical merman" coming out of the sea on a local beach.

Speaking to Metro, Moss described her first time experience of mermaiding as ‘exhilarating and exciting’, and said the practice – which involves wearing a tail while swimming – helped her feel ‘more in contact with nature and the sea’.

"One day, all of a sudden, I saw this magical merman come out of the water, and then he dived in again, but what came out, it wasn't legs, it was actually a tail. It was really magical to see on the secluded beach - at that moment it became really clear to me that mermaiding was what I wanted as a new hobby - it was a bit different and I could do it alone," Green further said.

Green took it up as a hobbyy and also underwent a professional course. Two years later, she received a job offer on the adjacent island of Lampedusa through Instagram.

Despite earning leass than what she did as a teacher, Green says she’s ‘happier than ever’ with ‘no regrets’ about the career change.

"It's enough to live on, and I'm doing something I love at the end of the day - that's all that matters at the moment. Who knows what could happen in the future - for now, I'm getting my feet in the door of the mermaiding world and it's an art form so I know it's not going to pay a lot to begin with," she continued.