Almost everybody hires a wedding photographer to capture the moments from their big day to cherish for the entire life. But a South African woman reached out to her wedding photographer four years after her wedding with a request that will surprise you. She sought a refund from the person citing divorce as the reason. 

Initially, the photographer assumed her unusual request was a prank. But soon realised that the woman was serious and believed that she was ‘entitled to a refund’ due to the divorce. However, the photographer turned down the request an the WhatsApp conversation between them has now gone viral on the internet.

A photographer named Lance Romeo shared the screenshots of their conversation on Twitter with the caption, "I swear my life is a movie. You can't make this stuff up."

Since being shared the video has amassed 406.9k views, 1,631 likes and tons of comments.

"there is noooooo way she is serious ! The lawyer in me now wants to do a self moot and see how I'd deal with it if she was my client..  but again.. I suspect she wouldn't be able to pay my fees.. or later ask for a refund after we loose,' commented one user on the post.

"Is she also going to give back all the gifts /presents she received on her wedding day?," wrote another user.

"Did you receive these texts on April Fool's day coz there's no way!," wrote another surprised user.

"I think I got a clear understanding of why didn’t that marriage work…," wrote a fourth.