New Delhi: Traffic snarls on a busy road is common. What is not common is people being patient while stranded. But such a thing happened in Kerala on Sunday night when the travellers were met with an unexpected hurdle on the road.

Traffic on the busy Seaport-Airport Road in Kochi came to a standstill when a nearly two metres long python decided to cross the road, suddenly making its appearance out of the buses along the road, The New Indian Express reported. 

It was a non-venomous Indian rock python, the report said.

Commuters had to stop their vehicles so the python could pass the road without any obstruction. 

A video of the Sunday night incident has surfaced on YouTube, in which it can be seen how a number of cars and two-wheelers are stranded in the middle of the road, patiently waiting for the snake to pass. Some people came out of their vehicles to shoot videos on their phones. A few were also seen trying to ensure the python was not run over by any vehicle.

The reptile quietly crossed the road, taking around four to five minutes, before disappearing in the bushes on the other side.

Take a look at th video:

Quoting a forest department official, The New Indian Express report said pythons are now routinely spotted in Kochi.

“As Kochi has vast marshy land, pythons find it easy to survive. They feed on rodents,” said the official who is part of the department’s animal rescue team.