A viral video showing a luxury flying hotel that never lands has left the netizens awestruck. An AI-piloted aircraft, designed by Hashem Al-Ghaili, called Sky Cruise has the capacity of carrying 5000 guests. This flying cruise will have 20 engines and will be powered by nuclear fusion and is designed in such a way that it would never land.

According to Hashem Al-Ghaili, even repairs would be carried out in-flight. Sky Cruise would never touch the ground, so passengers would only be "ferried" there and back by traditional airlines. 

Despite all AI-driven tech, Sky Cruise would have staff members as it will have a shopping mall, in addition to pools, gyms, and theatres inside it. It will have a vault that will offer guests a 360 view of the sky as well.

British Daily The Mirror cited experts disagreeing with the design concept referring to the Sky Cruise idea as the "new Titanic". It mentioned that if a nuclear-powered aircraft crashed, it could completely destroy a city.

Al-Ghaili is a video creator and science communicator from Yemen. His videos and infographics about scientific advances are his most well-known works. In recent years, both users of social media and sources of science news have taken notice of his work in science communication.

It is not the first futuristic plane design to go viral this year. In April, a Chinese tech company unveiled plans for hypersonic flights that would fly at one mile per second and cover lengthy distances like Shanghai to New York in two hours.