New Delhi: Industrialist Anand Mahindra shared a video of a little boy and praised him for his patience as he tried to catch fish, displaying the perfect recipe for success.

“Determination + Ingenuity + Patience = Success,” Mahindra said, posting a “short story” on Twitter.     

His tweet read: “This showed up in my inbox without commentary. It is strangely calming to watch in an increasingly complex world. A ‘short story’ that proves: Determination + Ingenuity + Patience = Success”.

The video shows how the boy uses an indigenously built pulley to catch fish from a water body. The pulley is attached to a two-leg stand, which the boy is seen carrying on his shoulder as he comes for fishing. On his other hand is a bag. The boy goes on to pitch the stand on the marshy land on the banks of the water body, using a hammer that he pulls out of his bag. He then ties bait on one end of the fishing rope, throws it into the water, and waits patiently.

His patience bears fruits. Soon, the pulley starts moving, and the alert boy gets into action at once and carefully pulls the rope with all his might. And out come his catches of the day: two large finned beauties. The video ends with the boy putting the two fish in his bag and getting up to leave.

The post shared at 2.03 pm had already been retweeted around 650 times at the time of writing this report.

Comments also poured in in large numbers.

“This kid, deserves grand Salute, respect with massive applause,” said a user.