Everyone wants to pass their exams with flying colours. And to achieve high marks and grade, students put in hours of hard work in their studies. Some, however, don't want to put that much of effort and try to cheat in exams, despites its harsh consequences, to obtain passing marks. They adopt several kinds of "jugaad" get away with it. A video of one such cheating technique has gone viral on the internet.

Shared on the micro-blogging site Twitter by a user named Lance, the video shows a person casually playing with a pen before the camera shifts to show a pencil pouch. At first, it looks like multi-coloured pens kept inside it. However, the bunch of pens turn out to be the wallpaper of a cell phone, that the man was using to cheat.

The clip further shows how the screen of the phone after being touched changes to show the phone's gallery which contains answers to the questions on the paper.   

The video shared with the caption "This is expert cheating," immediately grabbed attention and has gained 3.9m views so far.

"Yeah fiddling with your fingers in there without ever taking anything out isn't suspicious at all xD Any teacher would check it closely for notes hidden among the pens and instantly notice it's a phone," wrote a twitter user.

"If a calculator has a history, you can just type the equations in and then it will go to history and you can check the history to see the equations during a test. I wouldn't recommend tho cuz you wont find yourself wanting to learn if you can just cheat. respect yourself," wrote another user.

While a third wrote "Y’all do anything but study."

"Would never happen these days, as students must usually have a clear pencil case or stationery loose on their desk for this very reason! Source: I am an ex exam invigilator," wrote a third.