A woman in Texas has broken the world record for the largest donation of breast milk for a second time. Alyse Ogletree donated 2,645.58 litres of breast milk to premature babies, earning her a place in the Guinness World Records.

“I have a big heart. At the end of the day, I’m not made of money and I can’t give away money to good causes over and over because I have a family I have to support," Ogletree told Guinness World Records, according to Houston Chronicle.

In 2014, she created a new record after making a donation of 1,569.79 litres. Alyse Ogletree said that by donating the milk, she knew that she would be helping a lot of babies.

“I drank lots of water all the time, I stayed consistent with my schedule for pumping, I ate healthy and I worked hard to pump like I did because I loved knowing how many babies I would be helping," she reportedly said. 

After giving birth to her son Kyle in 2010, she realised that she has been producing more milk than usual to the extent of “throwing it away.” However, she learnt about the option to donate milk in the hospital after which she started the practice. 

Though she started to donate milk after the birth of her first son, she continued donating after the births of her other children and even after serving as a surrogate mother. So far, Ogletree has helped 3.5 lakh babies.

“I’ve helped over 350,000 babies. This record is for just under 89,000 ounces, but I also did around 37,000 to Tiny Treasures, and probably another couple hundred to close friends," she said.

Alyse Ogletree's donation will go to the Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas. “Alyse Ogletree has astounded and inspired us once again through her remarkable commitment to donate an incomprehensible amount of surplus breastmilk to fragile infants,” Shaina Starks, executive director of Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas, said in an interview with Guinness World Records.