Have you ever been offered to rest at a restaurant after having a sumptuous meal? Yes, you heard that right. A restaurant in Jordan is offering its customers an opportunity to take a nap after they eat the country's national dish called Mansaf, reported the Arab News. The restaurant Moab located in Jordan’s capital city Amman is offering diners a chance to nap in cozy beds in air-conditioned rooms.

Mansaf, know for inducing sleep is a traditional Levantine dish made of lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt and served with rice.

"The idea to put beds in the restaurant started as a joke and decoration to reflect the sleepiness Mansaf eaters experience after they have the high-fat meal," Musab Mubeideen, son of the restaurant's owner, told Arab News.

He said customers had asked the restaurant staff "to put beds" because they felt sleepy after having the lavish dish.

"So we brought beds and set them up in a separate section in the restaurant. Customers now really use them for a quick nap after they have Mansaf," Mr Mobeideen added.

Twitter page Now This News posted a video of the restaurant showcasing the concept.

A customer, Mohammad al-Ouqdah in the video says, "Mansaf is naturally a very heavy meal in Jordan, and it’s important for one to have a nap, sleep, after eating mansaf. Because mansaf shakes the mind, so one has to sleep. If he did not sleep, then there should be something wrong with the mansaf."

The concept caught the attention of social media users and the post has so far gained close to 65,000 views.