In a world where math tutors, science tutors, and home tutors have long been familiar, Japan has now embraced a unique profession: smile tutors. The demand for their services has surged in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the removal of the mask mandate seemed like good news, it revealed an unexpected consequence of hiding behind masks — the decline of genuine and natural smiles.

Awkward, pained, and forced smiles are no longer limited to our social media presence. After enduring nearly three years of concealing their faces, people in Japan may have forgotten the art of socializing, including the simple act of smiling. In an unprecedented move, Japanese society has attached a monetary value to smiles. Hence, the age-old saying "smile and the world smiles with you" has been rendered obsolete, replaced by a staggering price tag of $650 per day.

Keiko Kawano, a coach at Egaoiku, a "smile education" company, spoke to Asahi Shimbun, a Japanese news outlet, explaining, "With mask-wearing becoming the norm, people have had fewer opportunities to smile, and more and more people have developed a complex about it."

Amid the challenges posed by the Wuhan virus, the Japanese had been compelled to hide their facial expressions for an extended period of time. Now, faced with the need to express their emotions openly again, they quickly sought a unique solution.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its stringent protocols have caused or exacerbated numerous social problems, with isolation and loneliness at the forefront. Lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing measures have resulted in increased feelings of isolation and loneliness, particularly among vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those living alone. Paradoxically, people have become so accustomed to solitude that they have become estranged from social cohesion.

"I didn't have opportunities to see people during the coronavirus crisis and didn't smile in public," 79-year-old Akiko Takizawa told the local newspaper Mainichi Shimbun.

Following the relaxation of COVID-19 rules by the Japanese government, thousands of individuals rushed to relearn the art of smiling. This newfound freedom came at a high price, but citizens were willing to pay to readjust to a pre-COVID society.

The pioneers of this emerging industry have raised eyebrows worldwide. However, the importance of smiles for overall well-being should come as no surprise. Smiling not only brightens one's face but also offers several health benefits, including stress reduction, mood enhancement, immune system boost, lowered blood pressure, and the ultimate aim: improved social connections.

These smile tutors are not limited to catering to retail customers alone; they also have clients in major corporations like IBM and nursing hospitals. One smile at a time, this new business seems to be gaining momentum in Japan and beyond.