New Delhi: Soon after Russia invaded Ukraine, stories of bravery from the Ukrainian side started pouring in across the internet. One of those stories was on the response of a soldier from Ukraine’s Snake Island, the first place from where the Russian forces marched into Ukraine on February 24.
When the soldiers at the Snake island were asked to surrender in front of the Russian army, he refused to do so and said, “Russian Warship, Go F*** (expletive) Yourself.”
Now, the story of this soldier is going to be made into a stamp by the Ukrainian postal service. The stamp design won an online competition with nearly 500 entries.
The online competition had the theme, "Russian warship, go to * uy.” The official twitter handle of Ukrposhta, Ukraine’s postal service, said that they did not know that they would get almost 500 entries, thus they selected the top 20 from the designs and organised a vote on them.
The most voted stamp design is now getting printed as a postal stamp which can be used to send letters abroad as well.
The winning stamp design shows a lone soldier standing on an island in front of a warship making a vulgar gesture at the ship. Hence the stamp is titled “Russian Warship, Go F*** Yourself.”
The stamp is designed by a Lviv-based artist Boris Groh who was announced the winner by Ukrainian First Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova on Twitter.
She tweeted, "The sketch by artist Boris Groh received the most votes and will soon be published by Ukraine's state postal company.”
A few days after the incident, The Times reported that the warship that bombed the snake island was destroyed in missile fire.