A rare pure pink diamond, believed to be the largest found in 300 years, has been unearthed in Angola, a country in Central Africa. It is a 170 carat pink diamond, dubbed The Lulo Rose. 

Miners in Angola discovered it at Lulo mine in Angola's diamond-rich northeast, news agency AFP reported. The Lucapa Diamond Company, a diamond producer with two high-value mines in Angola and Lesotho, said in a statement to investors that The Lulo Rose is among the largest pink diamonds ever discovered. 

The Lulo Rose Is A Type IIa Diamond

The Angolan government, which is also a partner in the Lulo mine, has welcomed the "historic" find of the Type IIa diamond, the most prized type of diamond. Type IIa diamonds are entirely pure, and make up one to two per cent of all natural diamonds. They are often colourless, and one of the rarest forms of natural stones.

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Quoting Angola's Mineral Resources Minister Diamantino Azevedo, the AFP report said this record and spectacular pink diamond recovered from Lulo continues to showcase Angola as an important player on the world stage.

According to a Bloomberg report, the diamond will be sold through an international tender conducted by Angolan state-owned diamond trading firm Sodiam. In order to realise the true value of The Lulo Rose, the diamond will have to be cut and polished. If the diamond is cut and polished, it will lose 50 per cent of its weight. Earlier, similar pink diamonds have been sold at high prices.

In 2017, the 59.6 carat Pink Star was sold for $71.2 million at a Hong Kong auction. The Pink Star remains the most expensive diamond ever sold.