In a viral video, a cop at the Pune Railway Station was seen pouring water from a bottle on the people who were sleeping on a platform. Videos of this incident have been doing rounds on social media and garnered a lot of attention. Pune's Divisional Railway Manager (DRM), Indu Dube, while talking about the incident said that the intention of that police officer was to clear the passage at the centre of the platform for genuine passengers to move freely from and to trains but, the method that he resorted to was not proper. The concerned RPF staff was removed from passenger area duty as the video went viral.

In the viral video, a Railway Protection Force (RPF) official was seen pouring water on a few people who were sleeping on the platform following which they sat up immediately. 

In a series of tweets, DRM Dube said, "Sleeping on platform causes inconvenience to passengers. Since passage is not clear, several passengers miss their trains at Pune Railway Station. Large number of Alarm Chain Pulling are caused by genuine passengers, who cannot reach trains due to blocked passages to trains. Unauthorised chain pulling causes inconvenience to thousands of passengers travelling in trains. Therefore, the intention was to clear the passage at the centre of platform for genuine passengers to move freely from and to trains."

She added, "However, the method adopted by the concerned RPF staff was not proper. The concerned RPF staff should have advised those sleeping to vacate the platform courteously and should not have resorted to the measures shown in the video. The concerned RPF staff has been removed from passenger area duty. He will be given refresher training in soft skills before his redeployment in passenger intensive area. Inconvenience caused to passengers is deeply regretted."

The video has amassed over 4 million views and more than 15 thousand likes since Friday.