Finding the right job might be tough and what is even more difficult is designing your resume and LinkedIn profile to catch the fleeting eyes of recruiters. One probably does not want to miss out on their achievements or work experience, big or small, while meticulously setting their LinkedIn profile. But this Chief Marketing Officer decided to have an uncommon profile on the job searching social media platform using the most common things that might be a part of everyone’s life. 

Len Markidan’s LinkedIn profile is garnering attention for all the right reasons. Upon opening his profile, you will see the usual profile picture and a bio that reads Chief Marketing Officer at Podia. As you scroll down to the ‘Experience’ section is when things get interesting. 

After the latest job description at Podia, his profile says ‘Advertising Target’ on Facebook from July 2004 till the present. What is even more interesting is the description that goes with it. “Recruited as early user for my experience with having an @edu email address. Received a “Facebook Beanie” award for performance in 2006 March Madness bracket. Consistently retargeted by F500 brands such as Samsung, Procter & Gamble, and Verizon.”

It does not stop here, the next description reads “Prime Member at Amazon from February 2008 till present, telling the users in a unique way about how long he bought the subscription. 

“Increased order volume by 823% over 7 years. Researched diverse product catalog, spanning departments from Simplehuman bag liners to cat food. Regularly reported on product quality using review portal,” is what he does as Prime Member. 

Markidan has capabilities not only limited to here. He is an ‘Uncertified Genius” in Apple leading “remote tech support for older family members throughout the country” and had “once put off software update for over 8 months.” 

As an ‘Account Manager” on Netflix, Markidan is “responsible for managing and paying for accounts shared by 5 globally distributed family members.” He is also a “multi year recipient” of movie suggestions he has already watched. 

One of the social media users who shared this hilarious 'Job experience' section had other users in splits. “The best thing I have ever seen!”, “He’s truly a genius”, “very well played” were some of the comments on the post.