New Delhi: A pregnant Canadian woman took to the internet after her Indian in-laws demanded expensive gifts from her husband even though they are in a "financially sensitive time". In the viral Reddit post, she described how her in-laws assume that she and her husband are rich just because they live in Canada. She said while they have very little money to spare, her in-laws asked her husband to buy them two new iPhones as gifts. What came as a surprise to her was that her husband wants to do this just weeks before they are about to welcome their baby. 

In the Reddit post, she wrote, "Help me understand. I'm Canadian and my husband is Indian. We live in Canada and his family is in India. We will welcome our first baby in a few weeks. His family thinks because we live in Canada, we must be rich. In reality, we are very frugal and have very little to spare right now with the baby coming. Today his parents asked us to purchase them 2 iPhones as gifts. It shocked me that my husband actually wants to do this when it is literally taking from his own wife and child during a financially sensitive time."

She added, "Im trying to understand if this is normal to ask for a large gift right before the birth of a child. I want to be sensitive to the culture and our duties to his parents."

Redditors respond

One user, @jeon_boom responded, " In India we value a pregnant lady's wishes a lot.. tell them you are craving 70 gms gold.." 

@amit_nagpal1985 wrote, "Who asks for gifts? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Tell them “Mom, Dad your grandchild is the best gift we can give you. iPhones are nothing in comparison.” In India, you have to learn the language of Bullsh*t very early in life."

One user suggested getting second-hand iPhones, @Apprehensive-Bad-651 wrote, "First time seeing something like this. If your husband is too keen to gift his parents iPhones, tell him to gift them second-hand iPhones, it will save you some money."


Meanwhile, @tumtum121 said, "Yeah this sounds weird. In pretty much most Indian communities, its the relatives and friends who have to gift the new born baby's parents. In my culture we have to gift tiny gold ornaments for the baby."



The woman later made an update stating that she and her husband were compromising and purchasing "some less expensive, refurbished phones".


She wrote, "We are compromising by purchasing some less expensive, refurbished phones (possibly Samsung and not iPhone as they wanted) and sending them to India as many have suggested."


She further explained that her in-laws had "heavily implied that iPhones be purchased but not explicitly requested". She said that she was trying to see it from her husband's viewpoint and "how insane the pressure is".


She explained, "He is handling the conversation with his parents, it seems there is definitely a large “Asian guilt” factor at play. There is major pressure to be a dutiful son which many have correctly suggested here. To those who are curious, It also turns out his parents “heavily implied” that iPhones be purchased, but not explicitly requested. Almost like they are embarrassed to ask it outright. I believe this is still morally wrong to do to expectant parents, but I also am trying to see from his viewpoint of a stressed out son. I didn’t realize how insane the pressure was, and am grateful to be having the conversation with you all."