A violent brawl broke out between a retired IAS officer and a family at a residential society in Noida because the latter was taking their pet dog in the elevator. The quarrel broke out apparently after the man objected to the women taking their pet dog with them in the elevator. The incident happened in Noida's Sector 108, where the entire episode was captured on a CCTV camera on the premises.

The video has been widely shared on social media. In the video, a woman can be seen arguing with the retired IAS officer who had obstructed the closure of the lift in which two women and their pet dog were in, according to India Today, the man had asked them to deboard the elevator. 

The footage shows two women with their pet dog inside an elevator, when the man stops the lift and asks them to deboard with their pet. The women refuse to step out leading to an argument. Their argument soon takes a violent turn when one of the women starts filming the IAS officer obstructing the lift. The man slaps one of the women. And they could be seen coming to blows in no time.

The heated argument continued while some residents who were standing outside the elevator watch, later the woman's husband intervened and hit the retired IAS officer.

Soon after, guards and caretakers of the building came in to break the fight and ask all occupants to deboard the lift. According to the India Today report, the police received no formal complaint from anyone and the matter was resolved following dialogue between both parties. 

Many similar instances of clashes over such issues have been reported too in recent times. Whether dogs can be taken in lifts has been a matter of dispute between pet owners and apartment residents across the country. Several apartments in Noida have barred taking dogs in elevators because apartment bodies cite multiple instances of dog attacks in lifts behind this move.