New Delhi: Kaamya Karthikeyan become the youngest in the world to summit the highest peak Mount Denali in North America at 20,310 feet, said a defence ministry release on Monday. Karthikeyan, a Class 10 student of Navy Children School (NCS) in Mumbai and daughter of Navy Commander S Karthikeyan, carried the Tricolor and the Naval Ensign to the summit of Mount Denali on June 27, consequently becoming the youngest Indian to achieve this feat, it said.

The Alaskan peak is the most highest in North America and maybe the hardest of the seven summit challenges, the release said, adding that, with this ascension, she has achieved the fifth milestone while heading to climbing the highest peaks on all seven continents and ski to both the poles.

With Mount Everest and Mount Vinson as well as polar ski traverses remaining, Kaamya is all around put to finish the Explorer's Grandslam, probably being the youngest to do so, the release informed.

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Karthikeyan also completed the 6260-meter high Mentok Kangri II climb in Ladakh on August 24, 2019. She was the youngest mountaineer to do so. Navy officials praised her for conquering Mount Aconcagua. 

Kamya started trekking at the age of just three. At that time she started climbing the basic track in Lonavala, Pune. When she was 9 years old, she climbed many high peaks in the Himalayas with her parents. These include Roopkund of Uttarakhand. A year later she reached Everest Base Camp (5346 m) in Nepal.

(With PTI inputs)