An Italian woman named Chiara Dell’Abate aka Aydin Mod has revealed that in order to fulfill her dream of becoming a human cat, she has received 20 body modifications, according to a New York Post report. Yes, you read that right. The 22-year-old woman has also created several videos about the same and shared them on social media.

The transformation process for Dell’Abate began when she was 11 years old an when she got her first ear piercing and ear stretching. Today, she has over 72 piercings on her body. She also had 20 body modifications that include include punched nostrils, split tongue, 0.8-centimetre upper lip piercings, and a 1.6-centimetre inner labia piercing. 

That's not all,  she has also underwent a blepharoplasty — cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin or fat from the eyelids — and has ten subdermal implants on both hands, reported the New York Post.

When asked about her bodily changes by Media Drum World, the woman said "I’m thinking that I would be a pretty cool cat lady". 

Despite being labeled "psychotic and "disturbed" by some, Dell’Abate says she is absolutely right at home with her lifestyle choice.

In one of Dell’Abate's TikTok videos that has over 65 million views, one can see her flicking her split tongue through two gaping holes above her lips.

"It’s crazy to see how much the human body can change and what you can actually achieve from body modifications," added Dell’Abate, who wants to be a human cat.

She also has eyeball tattoos, pointed ears, permanent eyeliner, forehead implants and claw-like nails.

“I think becoming a cat lady is more appropriate for me as I don’t really want to look like a cartoon character. I have always loved cats, and I think I’ll look really bold and fierce as a cat lady with the right body mods,” she explained.

In order to achieve the desired results, Dell’Abate wants to undergo more body modifications. 

"To achieve the full cat-like look, I will need a cat eyes lift or canthoplasty — surgery to produce more elongated and naturally almond-shaped eyes — teeth reshaping, upper lip cut, more fillers,” Dell’Abate explained, as reported by New York post.

 “I’ll put a thing called transdermal, which is like a huge micro dermal to attach a tail and definitely more tattoos," she further said.