We are living in a fast-paced world where work and personal life are often rushed and mashed together. As a result, we are left with very little time for ourselves and are also stressed and overwhelmed. Well, a woman in China in order to achieve a better work-life balance and avoid office politics has taken up a job in a cemetery, reported the South China Morning Post.

The Chinese university graduate surnamed Tan, 22 has the internet in disbelief. The woman shared videos and images of her "peaceful" workplace on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, last week that shows a mountainside cemetery in Chongqing municipality of west China.

While sharing the post, Tan wrote, "Let me show you the working environment of a Gen Z grave keeper. It's a simple and cushy job. There are cats and dogs and the internet."

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Tan described her job as "a life of early retirement" that offers leisure time, a scenic view, an environment free from office politics and a long commute, the portal reported.

According to the website, Tan is paid a monthly salary of about 4,000 yuan (US$560) and requires to work six days a week that includes receiving guests, selling tombs and sweeping graves on behalf of relatives of the deceased. She also enjoys a two-hour break for lunch.

Tan said, "Because I live here, I jokingly call myself a 'grave keeper."

The video of her work shared on the social media has surprised the netizens as cemeteries are generally considered unlucky and unpleasant places to work.

A user on seeing the post wrote, "Such a job was regarded as unlucky in the old days but is a peaceful one to modern people," according to the South China Morning Post website.