As the frenzy around pet owners getting their dogs married gained the spotlight, a seven-month-old female dog Jelly was recently hitched to his beloved Tommy on Saturday in a grand ceremony in Uttar Pradesh.

They got married in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh district amid attendees dancing to the beats of “dhol” and the garlanding of “bride and groom”, reported news agency ANI. In fact, the wedding procession resembled that of an Indian marriage. 

Dinesh Chaudhary, the former Sukhravali village head, who owns the pet Tommy took pheras with the seven-month-old female dog Jelly, which belonged to Ramprakash Singh, a resident of Tikri Raipur in Atrauli, according to the report.

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The wedding of the two dogs was fixed for January 14, the day of Makar Sankranti. The video that went viral shows the people from Jelly’s ‘family’ applying ‘Tilak’ to Tommy.

The bride’s side from Tikri Raipur reached Sukhravali village to attend the wedding function. Not only this, Tommy’s “Baraat” procession followed with visitors dancing to the ‘dhol', and once the procession reached the bride Jelly’s venue, garlands were also exchanged between the duo. Both the pets were served with dishes cooked in desi ghee, the report added.

“On the occasion of Makar Sankranti, we organised the wedding. Desi Ghee food was also distributed among the neighbourhood dogs. We spent around Rs 40,000-45,000 for it,” Dinesh, owner of Tommy told the agency.

The wedding ended with the ‘Vidaai’ ceremony.

It is not the first time that a 'dog wedding' grabbed the headlines. Last year in November, a similar function was performed in Gurugram wherein a couple got their pet dog married to a neighbourhood dog. Almost 100 invitation cards were sent for the wedding which was celebrated with great fanfare and in line with Hindu traditions. The marriage ceremony was accompanied by 'dhols' and dance.