The internet is replete with videos of bizarre culinary experiments like chocolate Maggi, dal makhani ice cream roll, and Masala Jalebi. And now the latest addition to the list is banana pizza. Yes, you heard that right. A video that has gone viral on the internet shows  how banana pizza is made.

The clip  shared by Instagram page @yourdailydoseofkringe starts with a person mashing ripe bananas together to make the base for the pizza. After the banana mash comes to a 'boil'  the person pours some tomato sauce and ads a handful of mozzarella cheese. He then lifts the pan and puts it inside an oven to bake it. After some time the banana pizza is ready. With a metal spatula, he lifts up a slice and shows it to the camera. 

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Since being shared the video has amassed 5,282 likes and tons of comments.

"i would rather be brutally murdered then resurrected and tortured AGAIN than eat this," commented one user on the post.

"This isn’t even cringe this is just criminal behavior," wrote another user.

"Atleast make the bananas into dough like bread if that’s even possible," wrote a third.

"My poor ansisters made amazing pizza just for people to do this," wrote a fourth.

While another user wrote, I heard banana pizza is actually good but I don't think that's how you do it."

"Ok but wait if could make like a propper crust with the banana you could actually make some bomb pizza dessert," suggested one user.