New Delhi: Mahindra Group chairman, Anand Mahindra is a prolific Twitter user and on Tuesday he posted a video of a bird trying to protect its nest from a loader. 

In the video, a loader was going back and forth to provoke a reaction from the bird which had laid her eggs on top of a soil mound.

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As soon as the loader would come near the nest the bird would flare its wings in a stance to attack the machine. In the tweet, Mahindra wrote ‘Maa tujhe salaam’ in a way to show the love of mothers in every species.

Anand Mahindra has over 9 million followers, the tweet has already gotten over 10k likes. However, out of over 1200 comments most of which are positive, some spoke about the trauma that the bird must have felt in the 1-minute video.

The Mahindra chairman is known to post videos regularly, while some are funny, many are about human ingenuity. His posts are well-liked by his followers, earlier he posted about Indore's waste management stating zero is just a starting point.

On April 15, he posted a funny photo of a truck with the words 'Test your airbags here' in a way to warn people about road safety.