Sportspersons, including renowned Olympians from Manipur on Tuesday said that they will return the prizes given to them by the Centre if the state's territorial integrity is compromised. L Anita Chanu (Dhyan Chand awardee), Arjuna awardees N Kunjarani Devi (Padma Shri), L Sarita Devi and W Sandhyarani Devi (Padma Shri awardees) and S Mirabai Chanu (Padma Shri and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awardee) are among the 11 sportspersons, who will submit a memorandum to Union Home Minister Amit Shah on the issue during his ongoing tour of the state.

Speaking to the media in Imphal, Anita Chanu said, "If Amit Shah does not give us an assurance about the protection of the integrity of Manipur, we will return our awards given by the Indian government," reported PTI.

She also said that the sportsperson will not represent India in the future nor will they train any budding talent if concrete and quick actions are not taken.

The memorandum to Shah addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi could, however, not be submitted as Shah had left for Churachandpur to meet Kuki victims and organisations.

"We have submitted a copy of the memorandum to Chief Minister N Biren Singh. He has assured us of arranging a meeting with Shah in the evening after his return from Churachandpur. We will handover the memorandum to him then," Chanu was quoted as saying by PTI.

The memorandum which is also signed by other Arjun awardees from the state like Oinam Bembem Devi (also Padma Shri), N Soniya Chanu, and M Biojit Singh questions the central security forces in controlling the violence despite "Kuki terrorists challenging the integrity of Manipur'' by killing people and burning houses.

The sportspersons demanded revocation of the Suspension of Operation (SoO) agreement with Kuki militant groups, restoration of peace and normalcy at the earliest and protection of unity and integrity of Manipur, PTI reported.

"Meiteis are allowed to settle only in the valley which constitutes just about 10 per cent of the total geographical area of Manipur. Where will they settle after some years if the present system is allowed to continue? So, allow Meiteis to settle in the hills of Manipur," the memorandum further demanded.

A prolonged clash between two ethnic groups - Kukis and Meiteis - has led to widespread violence in Manipur.