The opposition parties in Assam on Tuesday slammed the state government for the alleged firearms training camp organised by Bajrang Dal at a school in Assam’s Darrang district. 

Assam's Trinamool Congress Chief Ripun Bora said: “It is not at all justified and neither our constitution has any provision to impart firearms training to the youths of the country. Arms are a life threatening weapon and imparting training to the youths on the use of it is not allowed by the law. It is questionable and condemnable that the Bharatiya Janata Party-led government is still silent on the matter.” 

“Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had bulldozed several madrassas on the ground claiming that jihadi activities were taking place there, but now, I would like to question him on why he is not taking any action against the organizers of the camp when there is enough evidence and video footages of the firearms training," he stated. 

“The BJP is now trying to terrorize the people across the country and divide them in the name of religion and riding on it they want to contest the upcoming general elections slated to be held next year," Bora added.

On the other hand, All India United Democratic Front senior leader Aminul Islam stated: “The agenda of the saffron party is against love jihad so such training camps are being organized. The hate speech which the organizers gave during the camp makes it clear that they are enjoying full support of the government.”

Islam questioned the state government regarding how Bajrang Dal obtained permission to organize a camp where firearms training was provided to youth. 

“Anyone can give physical training but training on handling firearms is not at all acceptable. This kind of practice never prevailed in Assam before. The motive is to bring a division between the Hindu and Muslims. As the general elections are nearing, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the BJP and Bajrang Dal have been trying for a division between both the communities so that there is polarization of votes," he stated. 

On Monday, a video surfaced on social media platforms showing over 350 youths purportedly receiving weapons training at a school in Mornoi village, Darrang district, in the state. The training camp was held from July 24 to 30.