Guwahati: Assam’s ace swimmer Elvis Ali Hazarika added another feather to his cap as he accomplished a solo swim across South Africa’s Robben Island earlier this month.  

Elvis, a former international swimmer and currently a channel swimmer, achieved the feat on March 13 this year braving freezing waters, strong currents and encountering various marine life. Born on 21 December 1981, the 42-year-old swimmer said that though the swim was quite difficult and extremely tiring, it is a dream come true for him.  

After his return from South Africa, Elvis told ABP Live about the difficulties and challenges he had to face to successfully complete the swim at the age of 42.

“The swim was filled with numerous challenges, right from navigating through swarms of jellyfish, seals, dolphins and whales, to contending with strong currents and frigid waters. It was an exhilarating yet daunting experience. It took me a solid seven hours to complete the swim. I began my swim at 8 am local time ending at 3 pm. Compared to my previous swims, this one presented unique challenges due to the diverse marine life encountered and the harsh conditions of the open ocean,” Elvis said.

Elvis said that he underwent over eight months of rigorous preparations to take up the challenging swim.  

“I underwent eight months of rigorous preparations which included intensive training sessions, focusing on endurance, and strength building, as well as mental conditioning to tackle the grueling swim ahead. As a swimmer, completing this swim fills me with an immense sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that I pushed my limits and achieved my goal,” he added.

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Elvis Ali Hazarika Says 'Age Is Not A Barrier'

Talking about people of his age, Elvis said that age is not a barrier when it comes to doing something. He also advised the ‘Gen Z’ to never underestimate the power of their dreams.

“To the people of my age, I would say that it’s never too late to pursue your passions and chase your dreams. Embrace challenges, stay resilient, and continue pushing your limits to lead a fulfilling life. To the younger generation of India, I would say, never underestimate the power of your dreams. With dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to push beyond your comfort zone, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, Elvis further said.

Talking about his next expedition, Elvis said that his next challenge on the horizon is conquering the Poland Channel in August this year, where he anticipates facing new obstacles and pushing himself even further. During this expedition, Elvis will swim from Hel to Gdynia Babie, and if he succeeds, he will be the lone swimmer from India to do it.

Notably, Elvis is the first swimmer from the entire northeastern region of India to swim the English Channel both ways in July 2023. He also successfully completed a solo swim from the Elephanta Caves Jetty to Mumbai’s Gateway of India in December last year. According to Elvis, he was the youngest swimmer ever to represent India in the Asia Pacific Swimming Championships in 1991. He was the youngest Indian swimmer to bag gold, and also the first male swimmer to win an international gold in the Asia Pacific Swimming Championships in 1992.

The writer is a senior independent journalist covering the Northeast.

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