New Delhi: The Arunachal Pradesh Police launched an assault over camps occupied by insurgents in Changlang town of the state along the Indo-Myanmar border, reported news agency ANI on Thursday. Arms and ammunition were recovered while five suspected insurgents were also spotted, the police said.
“An assault was launched by Arunachal Pradesh Police (APP) over the camp occupied by insurgents in Changlang, near Indo-Myanmar Border. Arms and ammunition recovered during investigation and 5 suspected insurgents were spotted,” reported the news agency quoting the police as saying.
The recoveries include one AK 47 rifle, M-16 Rifle, and a hand grenade each, 104 nos of AK 47 7.62 mm rounds, 23 nos of 5.56 mm rounds, 4 nos. of AK 47 7.62 mm ammo magazines and 20 Lighters and other weapons. Furthermore, the camp was burned down and destroyed by the team, they added.
The police said that the five suspects were suspected during a recce yesterday.
"The nefarious activities of ENNG as an insurgent group has been on the radar of the APP for a few months now. To counter the threat posed by them, a strategy was evolved for necessary action. On the recee conducted yesterday, 5 suspected insurgents were spotted. Thus, in today's operation, a controlled offensive in the camp was mounted. As a result, the UGs were forced to abandon the camp and retreat," the police said.