Bengaluru: Alarmed by cases of Zika virus in neighbouring Kerala, Karnataka on Friday issued guidelines to prevent the spread of the disease in the state. "As monsoon season allows the proliferation of Aedes mosquito, which is a vector for Zika virus disease, surveillance should be carried in rural and urban areas across the state on a war footing," said state Health Commissioner Trilok Chandra in an order.

The order directed authorities concerned to dispose of solid waste to prevent Aedes breeding in peri-domestic areas. "The vector management should include surveillance of larvae, biological and chemical control at household, community, and institutional levels," said the order.

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The authority was given a task to conduct Aedes larval surveillance and source reduction activities in airports, seaports, and in rural and urban civic wards. "Zika virus presents symptoms like fever, rashes, conjunctivitis, and joint pain. Travel history or visit of guests should be considered for suspecting the disease," said Chandra.

The order has advised the local authority to collect samples from suspected cases and send them to the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Bengaluru for testing. "During ultra-sound scanning for pregnant women, the focus should be given for the presence of microcephaly. If detected, the serum sample of the pregnant women should be sent to NIV for testing," said the order.

As Zika cases have been reported in Kerala, bordering districts Chamarajanagar, Dakshina Kannada, and Udupi will be more vigilant.

Also Read | Zika Virus: Symptoms, Prevention & Emergence Of Disease | All You Need To Know

(With inputs from IANS)