New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today announced the implementation of Level - I (Yellow Alert) under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP). Under new restrictions introduced night curfew now will be from 10 pm to 5 am in the national capital. GRAP is being introduced as the covid positivity rate went above 0.5% for the past few days.

Following measures would be undertaken with immediate effect to contain the spread of Covid-19 in the national capital.

What's Open Under GRAP  Level - I (Yellow Alert)

  • Delhi Metro at 50% capacity.

  • Restaurants and bars to operate at 50% capacity

What's Closed Under GRAP  Level - I (Yellow Alert)

  • Cinema halls

  • Spas

  • Gyms

  • Multiplexes

  • Banquet halls

  • Auditoriums

  • Sports complexes

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Earlier today Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal chaired a review meeting regarding the situation of Covid-19 in the national capital. After the meeting Kejriwal said, “Corona cases are increasing for a few days, but the symptoms are mild in the patients, there is no need to panic, GRAP was made a few days ago so that it could be known scientifically that if there is this level of corona then the things will be closed. It was written in it that if the infection rate is more than 0.5 per cent, then the yellow level will be applicable."

Four alerts have been determined as a cautionary measure in view of a possible third wave of the Covid-19. These alerts are yellow alert, amber alert, orange alert and red alert. In view of the current situation of Covid-19 in Delhi, a yellow alert has been announced.