New Delhi: A furore was triggered in the head office of YouTube as the employees made a panicked escape after a female shooter barged in the campus firing continuously at the un-alarmed people.

The lady killed self after carrying out the act but she did injure four people seriously among several.

Although the suspect has been killed, the police are still carrying out the search operations at the headquarters of the biggest online video site. In the post attack images, the area can be seen to be under high security.

The YouTube headquarters where the firing took place, is located just 50 kilometers away from Google’s office, which is the parent organisation.

Those who were at the place rushed to make their way out . Some of the witnesses recollected their horror in front of the media.

“We heard like boom..boom.. and everybody kind of looked up and didn’t know what it was. Then I ran to the window and saw was a woman.. and she was firing. She had her face covered with glasses and had a scarf sort of thing wrapped over her head ..” said a female witness.

Another witness who saw an injured woman with a bleeding said: “I was in the bathroom at the moment and I could hear the gunshots and I came out and I saw a lady.. she was in the dining room ..with a couple of people taking care of her ..her leg was bleeding ..I tried to get something to stop the bloodflow”.

Also read: YouTube HQ Shooting: Four injured, one killed

A YouTube employee Todd Sherman described his tale of horror in a series of tweets. He described: "We were sitting in a meeting and then we heard people running because it was rumbling the floor. First thought was earthquake. After exiting the room we still didn’t know what was going on but more people were running. Seemed serious and not like a drill. We headed towards the exit and then saw more people and someone said that there was a person with a gun."

"At that point every new person I saw was a potential shooter. Someone else said that the person shut out the back doors and then shot themselves. I looked down and saw blood drips on the floor and stairs. Peaked around for threats and then we headed downstairs and out the front", he said.

The victims were rushed to San Francisco general hospital.  “We have received three patients and we do not expect more patients from this incident . We have two females and one male”, informed a doctor at San Francisco’s general hospital.

YouTube’s Head of Communication Chris Dale said: “In YouTube it feels like a family. Today it feels like the entire community of YouTube and all of the employees were victims of this crime. Our hearts go out to all those who suffered in this particular attack and our prayers are with them and their family”.

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