New Delhi: Chinese President Xi Jinping On Sunday said that the Chinese military is all set to intensify troop training and combat preparedness to fight and win besides creating a strong system of "strategic deterrence." Xi Jinping’s statement came while he was presenting his work report to the once-in-a-five-year Congress of the ruling Communist Party which began its week-long session on Sunday.

Xi devoted a special section to the military titled Achieving the Central Goal of the PLA and Further Modernising National Defence and Military. The plans highlighted by him In the 63-page report, hold significance for the Indian military forces considering the frictions at the Sino-Indian border, especially in eastern Ladakh since May 2020 triggered by offensive actions of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) that had strained bilateral ties.

Both countries resolved some of the issues through 16 rounds of talks and agreed to hold more talks to resolve the pending issues.

Though Xi did not mention a particular country when he referred to local wars and border issues, Chinese military commander Qi Fabao, who was injured in the Galwan Valley clash with Indian troops in June 2020 attended the CPC Congress as one of the 304 delegates from the PLA.

"We will intensify troop training and enhance combat preparedness across the board to see that our people's armed forces can fight and win," news agency PTI quoted Xi as saying. Xi also heads the Central Military Commission (CMC) - the overall high command of the two million-strong People's Liberation Army (PLA).

In his report, Xi said achieving the goals for the centenary of the PLA in 2027 and more quickly elevating China's People's armed forces to world-class standards are strategic tasks for building a modern socialist country in all respects.

"We will establish a strong system of strategic deterrence, increase the proportion of new domain forces with new combat capabilities, speed up the development of unmanned, intelligent combat capabilities and promote coordinated development and application of the network information system," PTI quoted Xi as saying.

"We will improve the command system for joint operations and enhance our system and capacity for reconnaissance and early warning, joint strikes, battlefield support and integrated logistics support," he said.

PLA To Intensify Military Training, Lay Emphasis On Joint Force-On-Force Training And High-Tech Training

Xi said the PLA will intensify military training under combat conditions, laying emphasis on joint force-on-force training and high-tech training. Chinese president’s remarks hold significance amid China's rising military manoeuvring in the resource-rich Indo-Pacific region.

"We will become more adept at deploying our military forces on a regular basis and in diversified ways and our military will remain both steadfast and flexible as it carries out its operations. This will enable us to shape our security posture, deter and manage crises and conflicts and win local wars," Xi said.

Xi said that reforms will be carried out in military universities and colleges with an aim to build a strong system of training new types of military personnel and develop new ways to manage military human resources.

"We will consolidate and boost unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people," PTI quoted Xi as saying.

(With Inputs from PTI)