Pakistan's Islamabad Police arrested former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan in connection with the Toshakhana case on Saturday and took him to Kot Lakhpat Jail under heavy security. A video showing the police convoy that's accompanying Khan to jail has surfaced on social media. Have a look at the visual below.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Punjab while reacting to this arrest said that the "Nation will not sit quietly."

Meanwhile, PTI slammed the verdict and announced that it will challenge the court's order sentencing Khan to three years in jail in the High Court. PTI's tweet when loosely translated to English read, "A very biased decision of the Additional District and Sessions Judge in the Tosha Khana case. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf rejected the biased decision of the biased judge Humayun Dilawar. Announcement to challenge the decision before the High Court. Another black mark was placed on the forehead of the justice system by the Tosha Khana case."

ALSO READ | What Is The Pakistan Toshakhana Case? Know What Ex-PM Imran Khan Did That Landed Him In Trouble With Law

An Islamabad trial court on August 5, convicted Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan in the Toshakhana case. The Toshakhana reference case has been the beacon of controversy after the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) ordered the expulsion of Khan as a member of Pakistan's National Assembly and ordered a criminal proceeding against him.

PTI added, "The trial was conducted in the most absurd manner in history by the biased judge Humayun Dilawar. In this worst trial in history, an attempt was made to kill justice at the hands of a biased and morally corrupt judge. The trial judge with blindfolds of bias blindfolded the facts of the case with a specific agenda. Sessions Court's decision is the worst example of political revenge and engineering."