New Delhi: In an attempt to eradicate the Covid-19 virus despite warnings that the Omicron variant would make a Zero-Covid strategy impossible, the Chinese government is locking up its residents in metal boxes who are Covid-19 suspects.

In a series of footage that has been shared online, rows and rows of metal boxes lined up can be seen where people suspected of Covid-19 have been locked up. Another footage shows buses lined up in the middle of the night taking people to these quarantine camps

The Daily Mail reports that among people sent to these camps were pregnant women, children, and elderly people. The footage shows inside of these cramped metal quarantine camps which are provided with a wooden bed and a toilet. 


As per the report, people who experienced this dystopian situation said that they had been left with little food in those freezing metal boxes. 

The Chinese authorities had already put 13 million residents of Xi’an under forced lockdown. Now cities of Anyang and Yuzhou have also joined the list and a total of 20 million people have been placed under quarantine who are banned to leave their houses even to buy food. 

The lockdown at Anyang, with a population of 5.5 million people, was placed late on Monday as the region reported two cases of Covid-19 with Omicron variant. 

The Chinese government is keen on making this nearly impossible task, of completely eradicating the virus, possible as the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 draws near with the games starting from February 4.