New Delhi: In an out of the ordinary trick, two men and a woman stole a shark from an aquarium by disguising it as a baby.

The thieves wrapped up the shark as a baby and then put it in a baby-perambulator and walked out with it.

The incident took place at the San Antonio Aquarium in Texas on Saturday. The shark, however, was recovered by police unharmed and was restored to the aquarium.

In a Facebook post, the aquarium described the entire incident and also shared footage of the incident.

“The 16-inch-long horn shark was stolen from our tide pool exhibit while the attendant was assisting other guests. The suspects staked out the pool for more than an hour to wait for this opportunity,” the Facebook post read.

As per the Facebook post: “Security footage indicated that the suspects brought their own net to capture the horn shark. After grabbing the shark they entered into one of our filter rooms where they poured the bucket of bleach solution that employees used for the disinfection of tools into our cold water exhibit filtration system, causing harm to other wildlife. (If it weren't for the fast acting experienced staff, the bleach would have done more damage.) They then used the sanitation bucket to aide in transportation of the shark into the stroller and hurried up the stairs and out to the parking lot.”

Here is the video of the entire bluff episode