New Delhi: Amid the surge in  Covid-19 infections in China, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering sampling wastewater taken from international aircraft to track any emerging new variants, as reported by news agency Reuters. Various countries worldwide, including India, the United  States, Taiwan and Japan, are imposing curbs on travellers from China.

Here Are The Top Points 

  • India, the United States, Japan, Italy, Taiwan, and, South Korea are imposing curbs on travellers coming from China amid the rise in cases.

  • India has made it mandatory for travellers arriving from China, Japan, South Korea, Hong,Kong, and Thailand to show a Covid-19 negative test report. Passengers from these countries will be quarantined in case they show symptoms or test positive.

  • Countries including Australia, the Philippines, and Britain are currently monitoring the situation.  

  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering sampling wastewater taken from international aircraft to track any emerging new variants amid the rise in Covid cases in China.

  • According to three infectious disease experts such a policy would offer a better solution to tracking the virus and slowing its entry into the United States than new travel restrictions announced this week by the U.S and other countries, which require mandatory negative Covid tests for travellers from China, Reuters reported

  • Chinese state-media called Covid-19 testing requirements imposed by several countries in response to a surge in Covid cases "discriminatory", Reuters reported. 

  • Major cities in China including Shanghai and Beijing are reeling under the rapid surge in Covid cases. Hospitals are crowded, and streets are empty. People are not getting beds in the hospitals. They are forced to stay and sleep on benches and floors of hospitals.