NEW DELHI: A contestant on the Turkish edition of "Who wants to be a millionaire?", the Indian version of which is "Kaun Banega Crorepati?", used two of her lifelines to answer the question, "Where is the Great Wall of China located?"

The bizarre incident happened when 26-year-old Su Ayhan, an economics graduate reached the fourth question in the quiz show. She came across the simple question: Where is the Great Wall of China?

The stated options were China, India, South Korea and Japan.

Ayhan said that she knew the answer, but wanted to take an audience poll just to be sure. However, only 51% of the audience members picked China. She then used her second lifeline and phoned a friend, who confirmed that the Great Wall of China is indeed in China.

It is reported that the woman was eliminated when she answered the next question incorrectly, failing to identify the composer of a popular Turkish song.

Here's a video of Ayhan's attempt at answering the China question –

Here’s how Tweeple reacted to the clip -