New Delhi: Another name has been added to the list of US Presidential candidates for the 2020 polls. Senator Bernie Sanders announced his presidential bid in a radio interview in his home state of Vermont. In the last elections, Sanders, an independent, had a strong run for the Democratic nomination but lost out to Hillary Clinton who was eventually defeated by Trump.

This will be the 77-year-old senator's second bid for the White House after the unsuccessful one of 2016.

Addressing people on Vermont Public Radio, Sanders said: “I wanted to let the people of the state of Vermont know about this first.”

The self-described Democratic socialist joins an already crowded field of candidates seeking to take on President Donald Trump and the Republicans in 2020.

Sanders gave a summary of how he will campaign. He said: “And what I promise to do is, as I go around the country, is to take the values that all of us in Vermont are proud of - a belief in justice, in community, in grassroots politics, in town meetings - that's what I'm going to carry all over this country."

He called Trump a national embarrassment and a pathological liar and said he is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe and a xenophobe. He described Trump as somebody who is gaining cheap political points by trying to pick on minorities, often undocumented immigrants.