Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has vowed to opt out from the Colorado ballot if the state’s Supreme Court does not let Donald Trump contest the polls. Ramaswamy made the pledge after the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Trump for the 2024 US Presidential elections for his involvement in the 2021 US Capitol attack.

The Republican candidate also urged his fellow candidates Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley to withdraw from the Colorado polls immediately if Trump is not reinstated. 

"I pledge to withdraw from the Colorado GOP primary ballot until Trump is also allowed to be on the ballot," he said in a post on X. 

"I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley do the same immediately - or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal manoeuvre which will have disastrous consequences for our country," he added. 

The Colorado Supreme Court held that the former US President was ineligible for the 2024 US Presidential elections under the constitution’s insurrection clause. 

Trump was disqualified from his bid to hold the office of President again in a 4:3 ruling  after determining that he engaged in insurrection on 6 January 2021. 

MUST READ: Trump Disqualified From Holding US Office Again By Colorado Supreme Court Over Capitol Riots

The verdict is now likely to be put up in a showdown in the US Supreme Court to settle whether the January 6 attack on the Capitol amounted to an insurrection, and whether the former President's involvement disqualifies him from running for office.

Meanwhile, reacting to the ruling, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, Steven Cheung said it was "completely flawed". 

Trump's supporters had stormed the US Congress while lawmakers were certifying President Joe Biden's election victory on January 6, 2021.