US Elections 2020: In the high-stake US Presidential Elections of 2020, which will decide the fate of Americans and will also be decisive for the global reckoning, Democratic party candidate Joe Biden shot to an early lead with as many as 133 electoral votes favoring him as per the latest update, though, President Trump also has crossed the century-mark in the national tally so far.

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As the counting of votes began, supporters of both Biden and Trump gathered in a huge number outside White House and in other states as well.

Polling was yet to conclude in various states in the West Coast as states in the other parts of the country started counting of votes at the conclusion of their polling late in the evening.

Must Check: Minute By Minute Updates Of US Elections In US Polls

Know what’s the magic figure in US polls:

The next occupant to the White House needs to win 270 of the 538 electoral college votes. So far Biden seems to have an edge, however, the swing states, which have always played the decisive role in election of the POTUS , are apparently leaned towards Trump, however the states are too close to call .

Trump was leading in key states of Ohio, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania.

With results from key battleground states just started trickling in, experts quoted by PTI  were of the view that , Biden has multiple paths to victory, with Trump having very little room to maneuver.

According to experts, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania hold key to the election results. Trump needs to win all three of them, while Biden can earn the presidency with win in any one of these states.

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