Beijing: While the world witnessed the chaotic scenes of US Capitol Seige as a black day in the history of "world's oldest democracy", the Chinese administration and their supporters seem to have smelled their "retribution". ALSO READ | Donald Trump Commits To 'Orderly Transition' While Continuing To Pass Unfound Claims Over Election Result

Supporters of Xi Jinping's administration were quick to draw a comparison between the chaos at US Capitol and the 2019 Hong Kong anti-government protests.

Chinese mouthpiece Global Times put out side-by-side photo comparisons of Hong Kong protesters occupying the city's Legislative Council Complex in July 2019 with the riots in Washington.

"@SpeakerPelosi once referred to the Hong Kong riots as "a beautiful sight to behold" — it remains yet to be seen whether she will say the same about the recent developments in Capitol Hill," Global Times had tweeted.

As per reports, China's Communist Youth League also called the unrest a "beautiful sight" on Weibo, China's own Twitter.

Beijing's foreign ministry also followed the line with its statement that "the reaction of some people in the US, including that of some media outlets, is completely different."

Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying was addressing a press briefing on Thursday where she said that the "sharp contrast (in reactions) makes one ponder, and deserves serious and profound reflection".

Several user responses from Weibo calling out the world's reactions have been reported which according to them display a "double standard". Words like "karma", "retribution" and "deserving" were used by people on Chinese social media, reported Global Times.

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How US Capitol Seige Is Different From 2019 Protest In China

There are differences of motive that perhaps the CCP and its supporters wouldn't care to see. While "MAGA" rioters sought to overturn election results in favour of the outgoing president who continues to propagate false claims of voter fraud after his loss, Hong Kong protesters who broke into the Legislative Council demanded full democracy.

They looked to halt a controversial bill that was being pushed through unelected leadership. The semi-autonomous Chinese city does not have full democratic rights which caused protests at several points. To curb this popular demand, Beijing responded by imposing a harsh security law on the city while arresting critics and suppressing dissent.

The difference in both scenarios is of rejecting the democratic process in the influence of conspiracy and demanding a just process in one's territory.

Meanwhile in the US, despite the crisis, President-elect Joe Biden and his administration's victory was certified by the Congress, clearing the way for a transition of presidential power on January 20.

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