Washington, Sept 25 (PTI): A US-based Indian Diaspora body on Sunday wrote to the External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to urge his American counterpart and other officials not to encourage groups to meddle in the internal affairs of India.

The diaspora group Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS) said that there was an attempt to labelling India as anti-democratic.

“There is an ongoing campaign of mis-information against India and its leadership labelling it as anti-democratic and fostering genocide,” Khanderao Kand, the director for policy analysis and strategy of FIIDS wrote in a letter to Jaishankar.

The minister arrived here on Sunday afternoon after his participation in the UNGA session.

“As a result, there is a noise negatively impacting policy makers and there is an increase in hate crimes and religiophobia against the Indian Diaspora. We observe that a nexus of left-radicals, Islamists and Khalistani separatists operating within the leading democratic establishments are involved in the campaign,” FIIDS said.

“Though we are creating awareness about these activities, we also request your office to surface concerns about this at the appropriate highest level to desist from meddling in internal matter to India. We also request increasing efforts to timely provide all relevant facts to counter the misinformation,” FIIDS said in its letter to the Minister.

FIIDS also urged Jaishankar to take up with the US on the long visa waiting list for US visas in India.

“Indian Diaspora’s efforts in reducing the wait time will be expedited with sharing the concerns from your office,” it said.

FIIDS also called for Aadhar Card processing in US Consulates and a free trade agreement between the two countries. PTI LKJ RUP RUP

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