New Delhi: United States’ outgoing President Barack Obama, who completed his eight year tenure, delivered a historic goodbye speech to his countrymen, where he asserted that he would never give up on bringing about a change in US.  He also said that “In 10 days, our country will witness hallmark of democracy, peaceful transition from one freely elected president to another”.


Here are the top 5 quotes from Obama’s speech:

  • “Democracy does require a basic sense of solidarity; that we rise and fall as one”


  • “We must invest in children of immigrants, because those brown kids represent growing share of the workforce”


  • “ISIL will be destroyed, no one who threatens America will ever be safe”


  • “I reject discrimination against Muslim Americans”


  • “I do have one final ask of you as your President, same thing I asked when you took a chance on me 8-yrs ago. I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours”