New Delhi: The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in a heartfelt speech urged the countries to help the people of Afghanistan in any way they can. Taliban took over the capital city Kabul, leading to the fall of President Ashraf Ghani-led government. 

Guterres directly addressed the Taliban "to exercise utmost restraint to protect lives and to ensure that humanitarian needs can be met". 

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The UN Secretary-General said he reminds all parties of their obligation to protect civilians.

"I call on all parties to provide humanitarians with unimpeded access to deliver timely and life-saving services and aid. And I also urge all countries to be willing to receive Afghan refugees and refrain from any deportations. Now is the time to stand as one."

He expressed his concern towards the human rights violations against the women and girls of Afghanistan who fear a return to the darkest days and that these hard-won rights are protected for women and girls of Afghanistan. He further said that they are looking to the international community for support.

He then urged the international community must unite to make sure that Afghanistan is never again used as a platform or safe haven for terrorist organizations.

Secretary-General António Guterres repeatedly condemned attacks on Afghan civilians.

"I call for an immediate end to violence, for the rights of all Afghans to be respected and for Afghanistan to comply with all international agreements to which it is a party", he said.

The United Nations Security Council scheduled an emergency meeting for Monday morning after the Taliban appeared to take control of Afghanistan. Although the Taliban is going to form a government in Afghanistan it is unclear how the United Nations is going to recognize them. Most of the countries in the 193-member organisation have condemned the Taliban’s brutality.

India's Permanent Representative T.S. Tirumurti said that the council members demand zero tolerance for terrorism in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan and require a political settlement for the regime to be recognised.

Addressing reporters outside the Council chamber after presiding over an emergency meeting on Afghanistan, he said that the session heard "the sentiments among the council members on zero tolerance for terrorism, and the Secretary-General unequivocally underlined this important aspect", reported IANS. 

It also said that the UN and other humanitarian agencies and organisations should be allowed to provide assistance across conflict lines to all in need. According to the New York Times, the UN has repeatedly said they had no plans to evacuate its employees from Afghanistan but last week, a spokesperson said they were evaluating the situation hour by hour. This came after the attack on the UN building by the Taliban which left one person dead.