New Delhi: Calling the strike in Kramatorsk in the eastern region of Donetsk a deliberate attack on civilians, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for a firm global response to this war crime by Russia.

“We expect a firm global response to this war crime,” Reuters quoted Zelensky as saying in a video posted late on Friday.

Calling for an energy embargo, the Ukrainian President said all Russian banks must be cut off from the global system.

“Any delay in providing... weapons to Ukraine, any refusals, can only mean the politicians in question want to help the Russian leadership more than us,” he said.

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The President’s remarks came after Ukraine blamed Moscow for a missile attack that killed at least 52 people at a train station packed with women, children and the elderly fleeing the threat of a Russian offensive in the east.

The United States, the European Union and Britain condemned the incident.

The condemnation came as this took place on the same day when European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen visited Kyiv to show solidarity and accelerate Ukraine’s membership process.

The station, according to Regional Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko, was hit by a Tochka U short-range ballistic missile containing cluster munitions, which explode in mid-air, spraying small lethal bomblets over a wider area.

Moscow has, however, so far denied targeting civilians since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion earlier on February 24 in what the nation calls a “special military operation” to demilitarise and “denazify” its neighbour.