New Delhi: Amid the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, sounds of bombing were heard near the Ukraine frontline on Tuesday late night, reported news agency AFP.

According to AFP, the bombing sounds were heard from Shchastya which is located between Ukraine-controlled territories and the self-proclaimed republic of Lugansk.

Due to the bombing, the people living in the town are left with no electricity and damaged homes. The town has been on the frontline of the Russia-Ukraine crisis since the former deployed forces on Ukraine’s border.

On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will recognise the ‘independence’ of eastern Ukraine’s separatist republics Donetsk and Lugansk.

Meanwhile, Kyiv has warned Russia against the recognition of the rebel republics as it signifies “further military aggression" against Ukraine, reported AFP.

Russia is facing a backlash from the US and NATO allies for aggression and amplified forces against Ukraine.

In the past few days, Russia has dropped shelling on the Ukrainian border multiple times. These bombings are being seen as a pretext for a Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

In order to avoid further escalation, the western countries have imposed fresh sanctions on Russia. On Tuesday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced economic sanctions on five Russian banks and three wealthy individuals.

The US President Joe Biden also announced fresh sanctions on Russia for the “beginning” invasion of Ukraine. However, he asserted that there is still time to avoid a war. 

While the west is convinced that Russia can invade Ukraine at any given time considering the number of forces gathered at the border, Putin has been adamant that Moscow is not going to invade Ukraine.