Countries across the world have have been sending rescue teams to earthquake-hit Turkiye to help the country with relief and rescue operations. A few nations like Mexico and India have also sent dog squads to help find survivors in the rubble following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on Monday and toppled several buildings.

The Indian government on Tuesday dispatched a C-17 aircraft with National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams, search-and-rescue personnel, specially-trained dog squads, medicines and other relief material. 

Mexico too sent 16 dog squads along with their handlers to Turkiye on Tuesday, reported CNN, citing Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard.

"The heart of our rescue team is currently flying to Turkey," Ebrard said.

ALSO READ: Turkiye Situation Very Critical, India’s Response Has Been Swift: Ambassador Firat Sunel

The canine team included Belgian Malinois, Australian Sheepdogs and Labradors, reported CNN.

After the 2017 earthquake that killed hundreds in Mexico City, the search and rescue dogs became a symbol of the country’s resilience. A Yellow Labrador named Frida had played a crucial role in the rescue efforts during the time. 

Over the course of her service,  from 2010 to 2019, when she was retired,  Frida rescued 43 people. After she died in 2022, a life-size statue in her honor was unveiled outside the Navy’s main office in Mexico City, reported CNN.

India Sends NDRF Teams To Turkiey

Meanwhile, Indian Air Force's Globemaster C-17 with two National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams, comprising 101 personnel, left for Turkiye on Tuesday.

Medical specialists including surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, critical care specialists, preventive medical specialist, dental officers and paramedical staff are part of the team, as reported by ANI.

The NDRF has been part of two similar international operations -- the 2011 Japan triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown) and the 2015 Nepal earthquake.

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale jolted Kahramanmaras in the Pazarcik district and hit several provinces, including  Diyarbakir, Sanliurfa, Gaziantep, Adana, Malatya, Adiyaman, Osmaniye, Hatay and Kilis.