New Delhi:  Trump's CIA Director Mike Pompeo reportedly travelled to North Korea recently to meet with leader Kim Jong-un as revealed by two US officials.

The visits which is being viewed as highly unusual and secretive, comes before the expected meeting between the leaders of the two countries

The two nations that had been rivals for almost six decades, since the Korean War, are preparing for their first ever summit, which may take place in early June.

As reported by Washington Post, the meeting between Pompeo and Kim took place over Easter weekend.

Trump who is at his Florida resort hosting Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, said that US and North Korea as holding direct talks at very high levels.

Sarah Sanders, Press Secretary of White House has said, no direct talks have taken place between the two leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un yet.

Trump and Kim’s scheduled meet will focus on denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.

It is not unprecedented for U.S. intelligence officials to serve as a conduit for communication with Pyongyang as the two countries do not have a formal diplomatic relations.