New Delhi: US President Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner will be reportedly meeting Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador this week.

Kushner who is also a White House adviser will accompany secretary of State Michael Pompeo.

As per reports, Obrador’s pick for finance minister Marcelo Ebrard informed that the meeting which was originally scheduled with Pompeo for Friday would be of the ‘highest level’.

Lopez Obrador, a leftist, who won in a landslide victory on July 11, reportedly said that President Donald Trump was very respectful in their conversation after his election victory and did not bring up the border wall that Trump has insisted Mexico will be pay for.

As per reports Immigration and the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement will be the principle topics at Friday's meeting.

Kushner last visited Mexico on March 7 when he met with outgoing President Pena Nieto and Videgaray without then-US Ambassador Roberta Jacobson.