New Delhi: An eleven-year-old boy, who belongs to the minority community of Christians in Quetta, Pakistan,  is making jaws drop with his insane drumming skills.

Pakistan undoubtedly has immense musical talent, but this kid named Shear Yashub Imdad, has a natural talent for playing drums. As per the reports of Pakistani media, Shear learnt to play drums when he was just four years old.

Shear got inspired by his elder brother, who, as per the reports, is also a musician who plays in a Pakistani band.

A Pakistani portal  reported that Shear’s brother Asnapher Imdad Chaudhary recalls that when Shear didn’t own a drum-set, he would produce music by tapping on anything he could get his hands on.

The boy only eleven, has already started accompanying and performing with his elder brother at gigs. He is now able to pull off the toughest double-paddling technique of drumming.

These videos of Shear playing drums were shared by his brother Asnapher Imdad on Facebook. Watch here:

(Videos: Facebook)

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