New Delhi: At a time when it is said that Taliban's relation with the international community will be defined by the actions it takes in Afghanistan, one of the founders of the group has made a shocking statement reflecting its hardline interpretation. 

While speaking to Associated Press in a group, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi said the executions and harsh punishments will return soon in Afghanistan but will avoid the public show.

Turabi was one of the chief enforcers of the hardline interpretation of the Islamic law in the previous Taliban regime. In his recent interview, he said that the executions and amputations will be back soon as the laws must be followed.

"Everyone criticised us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments," Turabi told AP. 

"No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran," he added. 

Turabi also said that cutting off of hands is very necessary for security adding that such punishments had a deterrent effect in the past. The Taliban leader also said that Cabinet was studying whether to do punishments in public and will "develop a policy."

During the previous Taliban regime, executions and amputations of hands and legs were carried out in public. 

People accused and convicted in murder cases were killed by a single shot to the head, while a hand of convicted thieves was chopped off. Those convicted of highway robbery, a hand and a foot were amputated. 

However, Turabi said that watching television, using mobile phones, taking photos and videos will be allowed in the new Taliban regime because this is the necessity of the people.