New Delhi: In a latest diktat, Taliban has segregated days for men and woman visiting amusement parks in Afghanistan to ensure both genders visit the parks at different time.  

The outfit banned men and women from going to amusement parks on the same day, media reports said, according to news agency ANI. In a separate order, the Taliban have told airlines in Afghanistan that women cannot board domestic or international flights without a male chaperone, according to the sources of Reuters.

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The ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has sent a letter to airlines on Saturday informing them regarding the new restrictions, according to the sources.

The sources added that unaccompanied women who had already booked tickets would be allowed to travel on Sunday and Monday. In fact some women with tickets had been turned away at Kabul's airport on Saturday, they said.

According to the gender segregation ruling, men can visit amusement parks from Wednesday through Saturday and women during the rest of the week, reported news agency Sputnik.

In February, Taliban members were banned from visiting amusement park rides with weapons and military fatigues and insignia. Since Taiban returned to power in August last year, the Taliban began enforcing strict Islamic laws across the country.

The Taliban retracted from its previous commitment to open high schools to girls, a move that surprised many Afghans and attracted criticism from humanitarian agencies and foreign governments.

The United States on Friday cancelled planned meetings with Taliban officials on key economic issues due to its decision on Wednesday.

Taliban say they have changed since their previous rule from 1996 to 2001 in which they barred women from education, work or leaving the house without a male relative. The outfit belive it has allowed women their rights in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan culture.